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Thursday, September 25, 2014

                                                            Outdated Iphone

Picture yourself in someone else's shoes and be compassionate.

Rubbermaid buckets in hand, I and my kids head out early in the morning to stand in the long food line at the Gleaners trucks.  At that moment, my life has hit an all time low.  Yet at the same time, we choose to make the best of our situation by goofing around and having fun as we stand in the two hour queue.

Your attitude determines your outcome,  but what about others attitudes?

Next time you see a struggling parent with an Iphone, don't judge them.  Phone companies offer free outdated phones with a new contract.   You don't know if they just lost their husband, job, or home.

We personally experienced a lot of embarrassing moments after Brian lost his job at the start of the Great Recession.  At the time, I found it was easier for people think bad of us than to reach out and help.  You know, "If you really wanted a job, you'd go get one, any one".  In the end, we realized that the hurting help the hurting.  Often dividing what they have to meet the needs of a friend.

We, a middle-class family, got forced into using assistance for the first time ever in our marriage and  it was very embarrassing!  We've waited in long lines at DHS,  had people sneer at us when using our Bridge card,  stood in long lines at the Gleaners trucks, visited many food pantries, visited a dentist who would treated an animal better than they handled our family (seriously, he put me in a headlock to drill my teeth), lived without hot water or heat for a couple of months during the cold months, had my kids braces repoed, and yes, my kids even got free lunches at school.  We were not living our American dream.  Sometimes peoples lives do not turn out the way they originally planned.

I encourage you to think twice before believe a parent is lazy and not trying in order to calm your conscious tugging at your heart to assist a fellow hurting human. Put yourself in their shoes.  Realize the average person would never intentionally place themselves in a such a trial.  I know what's it's like to feel lonely, worry about something getting shut off, worry about if the food in the cupboard will stretch, and in the end, I even lost my beloved home.  We were not bad people, just hurting really badly.

Driving down Division, I see a sign advertising a food tuck on Saturday.  In my minds eye, I travel back to the days of rubbermaid tubs filled with free food.  I silently reflect how grateful we are to be back on our feet, educated, and ready to face life's challenges again.  I thank God for my hardship. He has taught me to understand the plight and desperation of the poor.  I choose to become a better person in our society. One who love the poor, widows, and orphans.  I choose to be like my Jesus and not judge a parent because they're having a difficult time with life.

I challenge you to let God renew your attitudes too.

 God thank you for changing my heart!